Rock Mountain Solar Co. Blog
You’ve just tapped into your premier resource for all things solar energy in Calgary and beyond. At Rocky Mountain Solar Co., our mission is to make solar technology easy to understand and accessible for everyone. Whether you’re a homeowner eyeing energy independence or a business looking to cut down on energy costs, this blog is your go-to guide.

Tesla Powerwall 3 Heat Mode
Here in Calgary, we understand cold winters better than most. That’s why we’re excited about Tesla’s Heat Mode technology!
Read More:Tesla Powerwall 3 Heat ModeInternational Day of Clean Energy
Sunday, January 26th marks the second annual International Day of Clean Energy! Learn more about how you can help the UN’s mission to promote renewable energy.
Read More:International Day of Clean EnergyCalgary’s Solar Advantage
With a variety of incentives, abundant sunlight, and increasing energy costs, Calgary stands out as an ideal location for your next solar project!
Read More:Calgary’s Solar AdvantageStrategic Energy Management for Industry (SEMI) Program
The new Strategic Energy Management for Industry (SEMI) program is offering $50 million in grants on a first come, first serve basis to help Canadian businesses improve their energy efficiency.
Read More:Strategic Energy Management for Industry (SEMI) ProgramPest Control; What Type of Critters are Problematic for Solar
Solar pest control is important in the long run to ensure that no damage occurs in the warranty period of the array.
Read More:Pest Control; What Type of Critters are Problematic for SolarWhat is B Corporation?
In today’s world, businesses are not only judged by their profits, but also by their impact on society and the environment. B Corporations, also known as B Corps, strive to help with that impact. B Corps are businesses that meet rigorous standards …
Read More:What is B Corporation?Selecting a Local Contractor
When it comes to construction projects, hiring a contractor is an essential part of the process. While it may be tempting to hire a contractor from out of town, using a local contractor can offer a wide range of benefits. The following is a list of …
Read More:Selecting a Local ContractorThe Canada Greener Homes Initiative
The Canada Greener Homes Initiative offers an interest-free loan of up to $40,000 to help Canadian homeowners increase their energy efficiency and sustainability.
Read More:The Canada Greener Homes InitiativeSolar for Rental Properties; A Good Investment?
We are asked a lot about payback, and as time goes on the financial performance of solar continues to get better. It has become a stable and worthwhile economic venture; especially when a grant program is available to help offset upfront costs.
Read More:Solar for Rental Properties; A Good Investment?Solar Ready Roof
You’ve done your homework. The math works. You’ve gotten financing, or accessed your grant funding. It’s just about time to install. One contractor told you they won’t touch your roof because it’s too old. The other one didn’t say a word. The third …
Read More:Solar Ready RoofDriving an EV in -30°C; A Family Trip from Calgary to Banff!
Have you ever heard the statement: “Well how does that work when it’s -30?”, when referring to an electric vehicle? Well the answer is, it works an awful lot like any other vehicle.
Read More:Driving an EV in -30°C; A Family Trip from Calgary to Banff!TransAlta Targets Renewable Energy Growth in Canada, USA, & Aus
TransAlta Corp. said it would add 2 GW of new capacity to its generating fleet, and invest around C$3 billion ($2.37 billion) developing, constructing, and acquiring new assets by the end of 2025. The company said it had “significant growth …